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Persuasive Letter

Civil rights activist of the year 

Justin Witherwart • 23 street, Texas, America • 0408 779 842                                   August 30th 1963                                                                                                                   Committee of the civil rights award                                                                                    America, Virginia, 1st landing road.    


Dear committee of civil rights activist award, 

Without a doubt Martin Luther King Jr is by far the most influential and prize worthy civil rights activist of this century. Martin Luther King persisted, assisted and displayed a big set of dedication as well as courage to outlaw segregation. He has also debarred many laws that show any racism to the black community and still is continuing to do so. He has put his life forth and made it his self-assigned job to aid black people so they could step out into the light. So, they will never have to cower in fear of white people who abuse their power and their voices would no longer be shunted out. His ‘I have a dream’ speech he performed 48 hours ago has inspired a vast number of black people to stand up against the odds and fight for their rights. I insist if anyone must win the civil rights activist award of the year it is Martin Luther King Jr. 

First and foremost, he made it his self-assigned job along with being a pastor to be a civil rights activist and fight for the rights of black people. He receives numerous death threats daily, and he has so far been imprisoned nearly 20 times. He has also found many bombs on his porch and all of this is because of his beliefs that black people must be treated equally. Somehow his spirit hasn't been broken. Martin Luther King is inspired by Gandhi to do all his protests nonviolently and encourages his followers to do it this way too. He has also persuaded a number of white people that everyone is equal are no one is their inferior. To this day he has given many motivational speeches, 450 a year to be exact. He has attempted any protest even though some of them have failed he still tried to fight for a better nation, and he has even acquired great influence on white people. 

Secondly, the best thing Martin Luther King has done in his life so far is give his ‘I have a dream’ speech. He has just 2 days ago given a momentous and promising speech about the racial injustice of this country. His ‘I have a dream’ speech has now inspired so many black people to stand up. To not be shoved around and to not take any racism from white people and more. also to stand up against segregation, here are two extracts from his ‘I have a dream’ speech. 

Extraction 1 - 

I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. 

Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. 

Now that you have read that I am sure that you have started to consider that Martin Luther King Jr should receive the civil rights activist of the year award. This is also just the introduction of his amazing speech and it has made a big impact on how black people are treated today.   

My final reason is, in 1955 (8 years ago) when Mrs. Parks refused to give up her bus seat up to a white man so she was then arrested for it because it was in violation of the Jim Crows Law. Martin Luther King and the rest of a committee called MIA who stand up against black injustice arranged a bus boycott. They would only go back on the bus when the Jim Crow Law was changed, and it went on for over 1 year. This was his first ever protest. I am sure that this will meet your criteria for the award. He is a courageous man who has so far gone to jail nearly 20 times and found bombs on his porch often. He has made a huge impact on his Nation (America) by creating many nonviolent protests and has given his momentous ‘I have a dream’ speech. He has helped many black Americans through tough times and has changed many people's perspectives on countless issues. He has stood up against the odds and fought for the rights of him, his children and his friends.


To conclude, if this hasn't persuaded you to grant the civil rights activist award of the year to Martin Luther King Jr, then I don't know what will. He is an amazing person who has created many opportunities for black people. He has also changed many laws for the better, and finally he has sparked a new sense of courage for black people and he has convinced them to stand up for their rights. If anyone deserved the award it is without a doubt Martin Luther King Jr. 

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