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Bio Riddle

He was born on the 15th of January 1929 

And all racism he would decline

He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 

And American civil right activist are who he would adore

He married Coretta Scott King and had children 4 

He gave his ‘I have a dream’ speech against what he deplored 

He arranged the bus boycott in Alabama, 1955 

He had a degree in sociology and in academics he would thrive


He won 9 major prizes including Grammy's 2 

And he really despised racis that was his view 

He gave his momentous 'I have a dream speech'

And for his job in church he would preach

 He was assassinated by James Earl Ray with a rifle 

But it was not because they had a trifle 

He died at age 39 on the 4th of April 1968 

And he grew up in Alabama that was the state 

He found many bombs on his porch and was imprisoned nearly 20 times 

They imprisoned him for protesting, those were his crimes

Even though he is dead he has an everlasting impact 

His legacy will always be remembered because he never slacked


He could be held accountable for the Civil Right Act in 1964  

He was also responsible for the Voting Rights Act in 1965 and a lot more 

He is celebrated every January the 17th for his contributions to his nation 

He has changed a lot of people's minds on racial segregation


I think that you are wondering who this astounding person is who is ever so fine 

So, ask the question that is on the next line


Who is this amazing person that we are talking about 

it's Martin Luther King Jr and he was amazing without a doubt 

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